Tuesday 12 May 2015

Circular tondos vs rectangular picture compositions.

In going forward, I am interested in addressing which is more effective in terms of my experimentation, the circular tondos or the rectangular compositions as a way of addressing my research interests. Although I have rejected the overlayed geometric patterns which were the product of my initial experimentation, I have included these in the mock ups below as part of my work in progress in order to critique the elements I consider to be effective alongside the elements that I consider to be less successful for each of the compositions.

Circular tondo vs a more conventional rectangular composition:

Circular composition:

Round, spherical objects in nature are considered to be perfect, complete and stable. A round or spherical composition is an effective way to depict another world, the circle helping to accentuate the otherness of the composition in order to give the appearance of looking through a portal or window and capturing a particular moment in time.

Rectangular composition: 

A rectangular or square composition is less ambiguous and open to interpretation on account of the fact that it has a top and a bottom as well as being read from left to right and vice versa. In the same fashion standing in a landscape is characterised by having the sky at the top and the land at the bottom. Similarly it functions in a different fashion to the tondo on account of the fact that it has been used regularly throughout art history and is therefore more conventional and easier to relate to.
How does this function in relation to my research interests:

My research to date has very much been about the experience of being in a place. The places that I have chosen as my subject matter are places that I have visited over an extended period of time throughout my life. I feel therefore that the experience is very much about being situated within the present day as opposed to the past! As a result the circular tondo composition which is able function as a portal and way of looking back in time is not necessarily applicable. The more conventional rectangular composition however I feel is more applicable on account of the fact that it is easily recognisable and able to contain a personal narrative on account of the fact of it having a top, a bottom and sides and therefore relating directly to the landscape. 

Observing the two mock ups above I feel that there is a much stronger sense of place attached to the composition containing the rectangular images due to the fact that the imagery is more recognisable as being derived directly from the landscape. This has also resulted in a stronger sense of narrative, which can be attributed to the pieces. The circular compositions appear much more ambiguous in terms of their interpretation which is accentuated on account of their roundness meaning they do not conform to how we imagine the landscape to be. 

Going forward....

I feel that my experimentation with the tondo compositions has been valid and worthwhile but in going forward with future work do not feel that they are a suitable format for the outcomes that I am aiming for in terms of the experience of being in the landscape. I feel that the rectangular more conventional compositions offer this in a much more effective fashion.


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